Sunday, August 28, 2016

Unity Among Muslims Unnegotiable- Ameer Taawun

Office of the Ameer Unfortunately, we see nowadays many Muslim groups and sects working in da`wah plagued with the diseases of division, disagreements, and discord, in total contrast to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. We all need not to be surprised if it happens because that is the nature of prophetic da’wah and it would never change. When you are trying to build a strong Ummah, the pillar must be erected on a strong foundation. We are all human being truly but the one who created us knows us more than ourselves and He will do what is necessary to ensure the forces protecting His course are protected likewise, separate the wheat from the chaff. And when such a thing occurs we must never lose focus because is a part of Allah’s design on the path of da’wah. Muslims should be cautious of those Da’wah groups or people which claim to be the only representative of true Islam and attribute disbelief to the others. In Islam, we need not to condemn any Muslims when we are not God and we must also distance ourselves from breaking the unity of Muslims Ummah or contributing to their weakness and loss of power. Division substitutes love with hatred, trust with suspicion, and peace with conflict. what we need at present is unity because that is where our power resides. Efforts of da`wah would not be fruitful unless we forget our differences, make da`wah the center of our interests, cooperate with each other, and coordinate our work with the fear of Allah and without self-interest

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